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søndag 5. februar 2012

Hugging in Japan

Dette liker jeg ikke med Japan...
Jeg sa jo jeg skulle poste negative ting jeg fant, også...

- "Hugging is considered impolite in Japan, ..." (source)

- "Hugging is not common in Japan as you know" (source)
- "Hugging a japanese person is almost always a mistake." (source)

- "Hugging doesn't seem to feel right in Japanese culture." (source)

- "The Japanese hug is like half of the American half-hug. It’s almost not even a hug. I call it a hardly-hug." (source)

- "I think hugging a Japanese woman might send the wrong message, unless you’re dating of course." (source)

Jeg spyr av dubbingen (fant ingen bra original på youtube), men you get the idea:


[Kanji: 962]

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